AD Tech SL & GS Camp: Saas Fee, Switzerland

Dates: Travel Sept 13th & 27th

Prep for ski season with the AD Tech in Saas-Fee, Switzerland.  This year we are aiming for 12 days on snow (weather dependant).   We will be training on the glacier beside multiple other national teams in one of the most beautiful places in the world!

This camp will be focused on slalom and giant slalom for FIS, U16 and select U14 athletes.  2012 YOB and older (non team travel available for younger ages).

Camp Goals

  • High quality training: amazing snow, high repetition, train side by side with World Cup teams.
  • A big block of training: 12 days on snow to ensure that we really focus on improving and building up the athletes to be race ready.
  • Daily Video Analysis: A super important tool for improvement.
  • Daily homework sessions to keep up with school work!
  • Dry-land & cultural activities in and around beautiful Saas-Fee
  • Great Food and lodging
  • 5:1 athlete to coach ratio

This is a fantastic pre-season opportunity for the athletes to bring their skiing to the next level in a World-Cup and National Team environment. We will have study blocks each day to ensure that the athletes stay up-to-date with school, and we will also have many fun and culturally interesting dry-land activities!


  • Marco Sullivan- 4 time US Olympian, World Cup winner, founder of American Downhiller
  • Anna Sullivan – Canadian Olympian, former World Cup Slalom racer.
  • Dane Spencer – American Olympian in Giant Slalom, equipment guru. 

More coaches TBD

PRICE: $5500 per athlete.  This includes 12 days of ski training on the glacier (weather permitting) , daily afternoon dryland training activities, a double occupancy room at the Hotel Bristol, (athletes will have a roommate of similar age), three meals per day,  transportation to and from the Zurich Airport.  Airfare into Zurich is not included.

We are offering a day camp option this year for athletes who have parents that will be attending. This price of $4000 includes all ski training, dryland training and activites but does not include food, lodging, or transportation from Zurich to Saas Fee.  This option is required for athletes who are YOB 2012 or younger